Brian and Kristen are engaged to be married this fall! We wanted spring colors and gentle, airy, evening light for this engagment session – but a storm took all the blooms off the apple trees just days before our session! Happily, my mother was watching my little ones, and when I stopped by her house to drop them off, she offered me armloads of lilacs!!! Fast forward to me holding my Biggby’s coffee and a bucket of lilacs in the parking lot of Schrier Park to meet with Brian and Kristen: “Do you want to use them?” I ask, “I know our tree flowers are all gone”.
“Oh my gosh,” she says, “lilacs are like, my favorite flower!”
I’m a big believer in the interconnectedness of everything. An offering as simple as spring flowers in bloom can be completely divine!
Emma is Brian’s daughter and Kristen’s daughter-to-be. We wanted a few with her present as well to celebrate the new family.